Saturday, November 04, 2006

The Crown Jewels

A Candy Necklace On Your Women's T-Shirt
On this day in 1963 John Lennon — appearing onstage with The Beatles at the Royal Command Variety Performance, Prince of Wales Theatre, London, with Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, and Princess Margaret in attendance — introduces the songTwist and Shout by asking audience members in the cheaper seats to clap their hands, adding "and the rest of you — if you'll just rattle your jewelry. "

Today is also National Candy Day!

The candy necklace design above (the entire series here) is from the witty You’ve Got Some Food On Your Shirt shop which offers products imprinted with pure unadulterated photographs of every edible found on the food pyramid and then some.

[To purchase items click on the photograph or colored text links.]