Sunday, November 19, 2006

Have a bad day! :(

FROWN Black T-Shirt
If you tire of hearing "Have a nice day" every time you leave a store today is dedicated to you. It's Have a Bad Day Day — where service industry personnel are encouraged to use this more cynical sendoff.

This day is pretty bad indeed for Sammy Davis Jr. in 1954 — he loses his left eye in a California automobile accident. In ear news — on this date in 1998 a painting by Vincent Van Gogh (who surely had his share of bad days), Portrait of the Artist without Beard, sells for US $71,500,000 at Christie's New York auction house — not a bad day for them.

Designed for YOU, whose work I've admired before, offers this FROWN Black T-Shirt in the Misc. Dark T-Shirt area of their shop.

[To purchase items click on the photograph or colored text links.]