Friday, November 24, 2006

Onward and Upward

The Moon Black T-Shirt
Today in 1938 Clifford Odet's play Rocket to the Moon premieres in New York City and on this same day in 1969 NASA's Apollo 12, the second manned Moon flight, returns to Planet Earth.

In other news of the cosmos, the Ukrainian Sect White Brotherhood predicts that the end of the world will occur on this date in 1993. Apparently they were wrong.

Charles Darwin publishes The Origin of the Species by Means of Natural Selection on this day in 1859. I wonder what he would think about the progress of our species, from a non-physiological point of view. Well, it's National Flossing Day so maybe we are getting somewhere after all. Human evolution is such a mysterious thing.

This lovely shirt, with its simple photograph of the Moon — taken by Astronauts aboard the NASA's first Moon mission, Apollo 11 — is from's The Ultra Geek Store; the full line of moon wear is here within their "Space Stuff" offerings. (I especially like the close-up view of an Astronaut's boot print on lunar soil — the mouse pad shows it best!) The Ultra Geek Store has everything your little geek heart could desire, and more!

[To purchase items click on the photograph or colored text links.]