The Daily Shirt dedicates today's edition to movement of all kinds. On this date in 1925 Arthur Heinman coins the term motel (motor hotel) and opens the first the Motel Inn, in San Luis Obispo, California. More transportation news, out of the Going from Point A to Point B (in this case to Point #26) Department, today in 1988 the New York City subway system adds a new network of stations, the Z line. We also mark the 1913 birthdate of African-American track star Jesse Owens, who spoils Mr. Hitler's "Aryan"-centric 1936 Berlin Olympics by winning four gold medals. In other sport velocity news on this day in 1949 baseball's American League owners reject a rule that would have legalized the "spitball" pitch. Finally, in movement of a different, more invisible sort, today in 1901 Guglielmo Marconi receives the first transatlantic radio signal Cornwall, England to Newfoundland, Canada. The distance between the two points is about 3,500 kilometers (2,100 miles). The transmission consists of the three dots of the Morse code letter S sent repeatedly.
This La Llanta - The Tire Loteria Card Tote Bag (for when you're on the move), bearing a beautiful illustration of that circular band of rubber, not seemingly in motion see it on other products here is from the fabulous and colorful Loteria division of the wondrous CafePress.com Screaming Screens shop whose abundant output includes things offensive and adult. If it's not your bag you can simply move on.
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