Wednesday, January 31, 2007

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Ambulance, backwards Green T-Shirt
Today's offering brings together several notable events. It's Backwards Day (!nuF giB) as well as Brussels Sprouts Day! Speaking of a certain color, on this date in 1936 the Green Hornet radio program debuts on WXYZ Radio (and how perfect is that?) in Detroit, Michigan. And lastly but certainly not leastly, today in 1747 London's Lock Hospital opens the first venereal-disease clinic.

(We hope your venereal disease does not progress to the point where you need an ambulance - better to avoid getting VD in the first place.)

This Ambulance, backwards Green T-Shirt — additional wares with the same design here — is from the safety-conscious EMS/EMT/Fire Rescue area of the eclectic Terry Kepner's Design Oddities shop.

[To purchase items click on the photograph or colored text links.]